Xylotek's Contribution to the London Festival of Architecture

The project brings ideas from a new learning/cultural centre in India created by Studio Saar with Webb Yates Engineers, and echoes Joseph Paxton’s temporary iron structure located on the site for the 1851 Great Exhibition, which itself challenged the future of construction.

The London Festival of Architecture is a much-anticipated event that brings together architects, designers, and enthusiasts to celebrate the transformative power of the built environment. As a leading timber construction company, Xylotek is thrilled to participate in this year's festival. In collaboration with Webb Yates and the festival organizers, we have created an exceptional installation called the "Craft Not Carbon Pavilion,".

The London Festival of Architecture provides an ideal platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing. As part of our participation, Xylotek will be actively engaging with fellow architects, designers, and festival visitors. We look forward to sharing our expertise in timber construction and learning from the diverse perspectives and ideas of others in the industry.

Beyond the Craft Not Carbon Pavilion, we are excited to explore the various events, talks, and exhibitions that the festival offers. It is a unique opportunity for us to connect with like-minded individuals, gain inspiration, and contribute to the discourse surrounding sustainable architecture and design.

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Craft Not Carbon - London Festival of Architecture

This pavilion seeks new ways of thinking about structures.

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