
We tailor our services to match your specific project’s needs: On large projects we complement wider consultant and contractor teams by providing focused specialist input. On smaller projects, or structures where timber is the prime component we manage and deliver the whole project from idea to artefact.

Our unique offering is to bring expertise in timber design, fabrication and construction to ALL stages of a project.

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Pre-tender Consultancy

We help manage risk in the early project stages by carrying out preliminary design and costing work, to ensure viability in financial, time and material terms. Our pre-tender design advisory services can include 3D modelling and visualisation, engineering, cost-planning, project programming, fabrication process-defining, material consultancy, tender specifications, reports and advice. We seek to contribute creatively to projects and can support architectural competition entries.

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Advanced Geometry

Xylotek is fluent in the latest digital 3D-modelling techniques and is experienced in developing bespoke software for geometric form-finding and managing complex production data for fabrication – including the detailed geometric information needed for multi-axis CNC wood machining. We enable digital integration, including BIM, throughout design and fabrication.

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Timber Engineering

With in-house knowledge of timber structural engineering, including Eurocode 5 and BS5268, we offer specialist engineering services within projects, typically providing element sizing, connection details and their supporting analyses and calculations. Within large projects we can work to support the project’s consultant engineers by providing specialist timber expertise.

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We are makers who believe that a material system is best understood by testing it physically. We test prototype design ideas at full-scale and offer prototyping services to support the design development of a project, whether at the project conception stage or in detailed design. This physical testing can include load-testing to prove structural performance and feeds into engineering calculations, costs analyses and production plans.

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With knowledge of the various wood fabrication techniques – from traditional carpentry, through multi-axis CNC to full 6-axis robotics – and with great connections to networks of fabricator suppliers we can specify, define and procure the timber elements required for any project. We understand the subtleties of sourcing timber and the workflow of processing from tree to construction site.

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With experience of the erection of unusual and large-scale timber structures and buildings, we can mobilise and direct a specialist installation team either as part of a fuller design-and-supply contract, to carry out the installation only – for example, on behalf of a supplier in continental Europe. For UK installations, we are well experienced with the CDM regulations; and we always operate with safety and quality as our prime concerns.

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Project Management

With over 50 years combined experience in delivering complex projects in wood, we offer Project Management services to oversee the coordination, scheduling and financial control of timber structure main- and sub-contracts. We enjoy collaboration and are flexible in contributing to a broader team.

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Conservation Consultancy

Xylotek offers conservation services on historic structures that require sympathetic specialist renovation. Drawing experience of renovation projects including Windsor Castle, Stirling Castle and the Antarctic huts of Scott and Shackleton, we understand a wide range of traditional timber construction techniques and the contemporary methods of repair, consolidation and replacement. We work internationally, meeting the needs and requirements of listed buildings and heritage organisations.

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